2011-09-08 | 22:41:58

# When she says that she loves you, she really does more than you can understand.

Shaaaboyaah! What should I tell ya about my day ? hmmmm, I can start by telling you that I got my hair dyed. I kind of like it. But still I want this color lighter than it's right now.... I will show ya my new hair when I'm not lazy as hell. After 5 hours dying my fckin' hair, me and my friend got hungry. Decided 2 eat at Mcdonalds. And it was like heaven!! Foodish in our belly, hihi. that's my day today xD

And noow, rollin' down under the blanket and hugging my bebo pillow. ♥ zZzzZZZz Niite peepzo ! Hasta la vista !
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